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Lot 239

Rötelzeichnung mit KreideJohann Conrad Schnell, zugeschrieben geb. 1646 Lindau "Maria mit Christuskind und Hl. Johannes" verso Slgs. Stempel Christian Hammer, Stockholm (Lugt. 1238)., 19 x 24 cm Lit.: AKL

Lot 30

KOGELNIK, KIKI1935 Graz - 1997 WienTitel: "Real Life Stinks" (I + II).Diptychon. Datierung: 1979. Technik: Öl und Sicherheitsnadeln auf Leinwand. Maße: Jeweils 195 x 100; Gesamtmaß: 195 x 200cm. Bezeichnung: Signiert und datiert unten rechts: Kiki Kogelnik 79. Betitelt, datiert und signiert verso oben links: "REAL LIFE STINKS" 1979 Kiki Kogelnik. Hier zudem mit der jeweiligen Nummerierung versehen.Provenienz:- Kiki Kogelnik, New York- Jack Gallery, New York - Privatsammlung Frankreich (seit 1979)Ausstellungen:- Marquette University, Milwaukee 1981- Kogelnik ist eine Ikone der österreichischen Pop Art- Marktfrisches Werk, seit Entstehung in französischem Privatbesitz- Ein "hidden treasure" des AusstellungsbetriebsDie Anfänge in WienKiki Kogelnik war eine der Künstlerinnen, die ihr Leben in der Kunstwelt durchaus nicht "unter dem Radar" verbrachte. 1935 in Graz geboren, wechselte sie Mitte der 1950er Jahre an die Akademie der bildenden Künste in Wien und gehörte dort bald zur jungen Avantgarde-Szene um die Galerie St. Stephan mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen wie Maria Lassnig, Markus Prachensky und Arnulf Rainer, mit dem sie kurze Zeit verlobt war. Waren ihre anfänglichen Werke noch von der École de Paris beeinflusst, lernte sie bei ihren Besuchen in Paris Ende der 1950er Jahre Sam Francis kennen, mit dem sie Anfang der 1960er Jahre eine Beziehung führte und der ihr kurz darauf die New Yorker Kunstwelt nahebrachte.New York - im Zentrum der Pop ArtIhre Reisen in die USA und ihr 1962 erfolgter Umzug nach New York führte sie in das Zentrum der damaligen Kunstwelt. Waren die 1950er Jahre noch von den abstrakten Expressionisten geprägt, konstituierte sich in New York City jetzt mit großer Dynamik eine neue Kunstrichtung: die Pop Art! Ob Tom Wesselmann, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein - sie alle bildeten den Nucleus der neuen Kunstrichtung. Und Kiki Kogelnik war mittendrin! Sie war, neben anderen Künstlerinnen wie Niki de Saint Phalle und Marisol Escobar eine extravagante, auch modische Erscheinung inmitten der Bewegung. Künstlerisch entwickelte sie ihren eigenen Stil unter Einbeziehung von Pop Art Elementen, aber ohne die Verherrlichung der kommerziellen Aspekte der Alltagsgegenstände.Sie fertigte lebensechte Schablonen von Freundinnen und Freunden, Familienmitgliedern, Bekannten und sich selbst an und nutze diese für ihre auf die Pop Art bezogenen Bilder in den 1960ern. Ihr Farbauftrag wurde flächiger, die gewählten Farben poppig bunt und sie wählte häufig Primärfarben. Die entindividualisierten Figuren waren flach und zum Teil in Gliedmaße dekonstruiert. Aufgefüllt wurden die Bilder mit Kreisen und Punkten.Mit ihren, aus den oben erwähnten Schablonen, in Vinyl gefertigten "Hangings" kulminierte ihr mit der frühen US-amerikanischen Pop Art in Verbindung stehendes Werk der 1960er Jahre.Von 1970-79 schuf Kogelnik ihre "Frauenbilder", die - immer noch flach - Posen von Fotomodellen aus Modezeitschriften aufgriffen und stark an Werbegrafik erinnerten. In Abgrenzung zu den 1960ern hatten die Figuren jetzt häufiger Gesichter, blieben aber der Optik, dem Visuellen verhaftet. Die Mode war für Kogelnik eine wichtige Kommunikationsform. Bereits seit den 1960ern fand bei der Künstlerin eine "Stilisierung der eigenen Person zur Kunstfigur" statt. (Lisa Ortner-Kreil in: Ausst.-Kat. Kiki Kogelnik - Now is the time, Heidelberg 2023, S.66)Punks und CrossdressingDas Diptychon "Real Life Stinks" von 1979 markiert einen Gegenentwurf zur schönen Magazinwelt, ist aber dennoch stringent in Kogelniks Auffassung von Inszenierung. Ihr Interesse an der Welt der Punks und deren Crossdressing manifestiert sich in dem fünfminütigen 16-mm-Film CBGB. Punks Don't Bleed", den sie 1978 produzierte. Das "CBGB" war ein New Yorker Club auf der Bowery, der als eine Keimzelle des US Punk galt. Kiki Kogelnik war dort häufige Besucherin und nahm in der "New York Post" vom 29. September 1979 dazu Stellung: "I myself am not a Punk. I go to Punk clubs. I like the music, the energy, the way they dress up, their way of saying: ,I'm an individual. I'm not taking a boring job'. My work has been related to their movement for many years: the aggression, the scissors, cutting things up". Zwei überlebensgroße Figuren mit markanten, neonleuchtenden Haarfarben blicken frontal zum Betrachter. Schaut die mit kurzer Jacke und allerlei Punksymbolen ausstaffierte Figur uns selbstbewusst und provokativ an, scheint die grünhaarige mit einer Krawatte bekleidete Figur zurückgenommener, erschöpfter. Die Protagonisten sind individualisiert und nicht mehr flächig gemalt. Der Hintergrund zeigt den deutlichen Pinselduktus, der durch ein Accessoire der Punkbewegung, die Sicherheitsnadel, nahezu übersäht ist und dem Diptychon zu seiner Dreidimensionalität verhilft. Tragen beide die als Kleidungsmerkmal der Punkszene immer wiederkehrende ausgebleichte "Domestos"-Hose, so ist die linke Figur mit Accessoires der Punk-Ästhetik noch stark aufgeladen: mit Halsband, Nieten, Sicherheitsnadeln, Buttons, Aufnäher, militärischen Rangabzeichen und einer Hakenkreuzbinde. Der Punk betont das Hässliche und will provozieren. Beim Nazi-Chic ging es um Tabubruch und Schockelemente, die keine Unterstützung der Ideologie bedeuteten. So stellt Klaus Farin in einem Artikel für die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung fest: "Hakenkreuze wurden auf T-Shirts, SS-Zeichen auf Lederjacken gemalt (...). Tatsächlich waren sie keine Neonazis. Für die Punks stellte das ironische Spiel mit dem Tabu Nazi-Symbol ein Stilmittel dar, um den Empörten genau jene Reaktionen der Intoleranz zu entlocken, die sie bei ihnen hinter der lächelnden Fassade der Toleranz vermuteten" (Klaus Farin in: Protest und Provokation, o.S., 03.03.2010, Homepage Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung). Kogelnik hatte darüber hinaus eine Vorliebe für die Aneignung typisch männlicher Kleidungsstücke wie Krawatten, Jacketts und schwere Stiefel. Das abgebildete Foto, indem sie inmitten ihres Diptychons steht, deutet auf eine starke Ähnlichkeit zu der rechten Figur hin. Ob hierbei real existierende Personen als Vorlage dienten, lässt sich schwerlich abschließend beantworten. Gewiss Gewiss ist jedoch, dass es sich beim Titel der Arbeit um eine Verknüpfung zur Realität handelt: "Real Life Stinks"!Kiki Kogelnik ist u.a. vertreten in folgenden öffentlichen Sammlungen (Auswahl):- Albertina, Wien, Österreich- Centre Pompidou, Paris, Frankreich- Hammer Museum, Grundwald Center Collection, Los Angeles, USA- mumok - museum moderner kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Wien, Österreich- National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington D.C., USA- Pinault Collection, Paris. Voraussichtliche Versandkosten für dieses Los: Absprache nach der Auktion.Erläuterungen zum Katalog Kiki Kogelnik Unikate 1970er Figur / Figuren Gemälde Acryl Frau

Lot 13

UECKER, GÜNTHER1930 WendorfTitel: "Weisser Wind". Datierung: 1990. Technik: Eingeschlagene Nägel und weiße Farbe auf Leinwand. Auf Holz. Maße: 110 x 90 x 17,5cm. Bezeichnung: Datiert und signiert verso unten rechts: '90 Uecker. Betitelt verso mittig links: WEISSER WIND. Hier zudem gewidmet und mit Richtungspfeil versehen.Dieses Werk ist im Uecker Archiv unter der Nummer GU.90.016 registriert und wird vorgemerkt für die Aufnahme in das entstehende Uecker-Werkverzeichnis.Provenienz:- Privatsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen (direkt vom Künstler)- Eines der gefragten, besonders dichten Nagelfelder mit bewegter Oberfläche- Titel gibt Assoziationen auf Naturereignisse preis, die das Werk wunderbar nahbar und emotional erfahrbar machen- Seit seiner Entstehung in rheinischem PrivatbesitzDie Anfänge"Poesie wird mit dem Hammer gemacht." Dieses Motto des russischen Dichters Wladimir Majakowski (1893-1930) hat sich Günther Uecker früh zu eigen gemacht. Eindrucksvoll unterstrichen hat er seine Devise 1969 mit einem Auflagen-Objekt, bestehend aus einer Holzplatte, in die er zwei Nägel einschlug und daran einen Hammer aufhängte. Der Titel: "Do it yourself". Als 23-Jähriger war Uecker 1953 aus der DDR nach West-Berlin geflüchtet. Zwei Jahre später ließ er sich in Düsseldorf nieder, um bei Otto Pankok an der Kunstakademie zu studieren. Seit 1957 ist der Hammer sein wohl wichtigstes Werkzeug, der Nagel das unverkennbare Signet seiner Kunst. 1961 schließt er sich der 1958 von Heinz Mack und Otto Piene initiierten ZERO-Bewegung an, die sich 1966 einvernehmlich mit einer gemeinsamen Ausstellung wieder auflöste. Schon früh ist Günther Uecker international erfolgreich. Bedeutende Museen sammeln bereits in den 1960er Jahren seine Werke, nicht nur in Leverkusen, Krefeld, Düsseldorf oder Berlin. Auch das Museum of Modern Art in New York besitzt ein frühes weißes Nagelfeld aus dem Jahr 1964 - zu dieser Zeit eine große Ausnahme und ungewöhnliche Auszeichnung für einen deutschen Künstler.Das Ethos physischer Arbeit - "Do it yourself" - und die souveräne Beherrschung seiner Materialien prägt seit mehr als sechs Jahrzehnten sein unverwechselbares Oeuvre. Seine Herkunft - die Eltern waren Landwirte in Mecklenburg - hat Günther Uecker nie verleugnet, sondern vielmehr zur unerschöpflichen Quelle seiner künstlerischen Arbeit gemacht. Dazu gehören auch die Naturerfahrungen an der Ostsee, wo er auf der Halbinsel Wustrow aufwuchs. "Wie ein Bauer auf dem Feld" lautet der Titel eines dokumentarischen Filmporträts, das aus Anlass seines 60. Geburtstags entstand. "Jeder macht seine Felder", bemerkt er anerkennend, "und jeder ist darin auch erkennbar. Das ist wie ein Gebetsteppich, so ein Acker." (Zit. nach Günther Uecker, Poesie der Destruktion. Im Dialog mit Michael Kluth 1988-2018, Halle an der Saale 2018, S. 177.) Aber nicht nur auf die Elemente der Natur, auch auf historische Ereignisse und auf Katastrophen wie den Nuklearunfall von Tschernobyl hat Uecker mit seiner Kunst immer wieder mit seismografischer Sensibilität reagiert. "Weisser Wind"Das angebotene, großformatige Nagelbild "Weisser Wind" aus dem Jahr 1990 ist beispielhaft für die Werkgruppe der Nagelfelder. Diese wecken den Eindruck einer wogenden Bewegung, die das gesamte Feld erfasst und strukturiert - wie ein kräftiger Windstoß, der durch ein Getreidefeld fährt. Besonders markant sind in diesem Werk die lebhaften Hell-Dunkel-Kontraste: Nur die Köpfe der dunklen Metallstifte weisen Spuren weißer Farbe auf, während die Stifte selbst nicht farbig gefasst sind. Auch die über die Holztafel gespannte Leinwand ist nur in vereinzelten, schwungvollen Strichen mit weißer Farbe bemalt, was die naturhaft-organischen Assoziationen verstärkt. Der subtile Einsatz der Materialfarben steigert das meditative Spiel mit realem Licht und Schatten, das Ueckers Werk seit seinen Anfängen antreibt. Die Farbe Weiß, die in seinem Schaffen vorherrschend ist, dient vor allem dazu, das Licht einzufangen. Das wogende Nagelfeld bildet eine dreidimensionale Zone mit wechselnden Lichtverhältnissen. Bewegt man sich vor dem Nagelfeld und betrachtet es aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln, entstehen immer wieder neue Perspektiven und Ansichten der reliefartigen Oberfläche. Die künstlerisch-experimentelle Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema Wind reicht im Schaffen von Günther Uecker weit zurück. (Siehe Ralph Merten, Günther Uecker · Wind. 82 Liebesbriefe an die Natur · 82 love-letters to nature, Mainz 1995.) 1966 gibt er dem ersten Nagelobjekt den Titel "Großer Wind". Im gleichen Jahr entsteht für den Außenraum seine Skulptur "Windorgan", die eine quasi musikalische Funktion hat: Fünfzehn weiße, abgeschrägte Zylinder, die an Orgelpfeifen erinnern, sind an Metallstangen installiert und verstärken die natürlichen Windgeräusche. "Wind - 82 Liebesbriefe an die Natur" nannte er 1992 einen Zyklus von Aquarellen. Das angebotene Werk "Weißer Wind" ist der vollendete Ausdruck einer jahrzehntelangen Auseinandersetzung des Künstlers mit den elementaren Kräften der Natur. Mit seinen unverwechselbaren Instrumenten gelingt es ihm, das Flüchtige und Unsichtbare - den Wind und das Licht - ästhetisch zu bändigen und ihnen Dauer zu verleihen.Video: Expertin Hilke Hendriksen über die Werke von Günther Uecker Voraussichtliche Versandkosten für dieses Los: Absprache nach der Auktion.Erläuterungen zum Katalog Günther Uecker Deutschland ZERO Nachkriegskunst Objekte 1990er Nagel Objekt Mischtechnik Abstrakt

Lot 955

ADRIAN WISZNIEWSKI (SCOTTISH b.1958)  NEWLEAFLAND (S.ISLAND)  Screenprint, signed lower right, numbered 2/40, 74.5 x 57cm  Title inscribed to label verso Please note: Full VAT is payable on the hammer for this lot. Condition Report:Available upon request

Lot 951

ANN ORAM RSW (ENGLISH b.1956)  CHARLOTTE SQUARE, WINTER  Watercolour, signed lower right, dated (19)98, 64 x 98cm Please note: Full VAT is payable on the hammer for this lot. Condition Report:Available upon request

Lot 954

ADRIAN WISZNIEWSKI (SCOTTISH b.1958)  LITTLE PITCAIRN  Screenprint, signed lower right, numbered 2/40, 74.5 x 57cm  Title inscribed to label verso Please note: Full VAT is payable on the hammer for this lot. Condition Report:Available upon request

Lot 290

LOUIS VUITTON A BROWN LEATHER WARDROBE STEAMER TRUNK, NO. 777259, CIRCA 1925 With a leather loop handle, brass corners, flip and key lock clasps, monogrammed L. F. P, on four wooden feet, opening to five clothes hangers, a rail and five removeable storage boxes/drawers 113cm long, 56cm wide, 43cm highUsed by Lena Palmer on HMS Berengaria (label attached) to New York for her honeymoon. Condition Report: No key. The whole with signs of transatlantic and travel use. Used in a Marine context as confirmed by remnants of Cunard line baggage label and some interior signs of damp. Exterior with assorted label remnants, scuffing marks, wear and abrasions notably to corners and raised edges. Metalwork dirty and unpolished. Interior with signs of old damp, with some mould and lifting to surfaces and some warping to internal drawers and drawer fronts. The brass to interior with Verdigris from damp. Some strap poppers not clicking in. Two vacant leather restrainer straps to interior. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 99

A GEORGE III MAHOGANY KNIFE BOX CIRCA 1800 Later adapted as a voting box, of bowfront form with scrolling claw feet 34cm high, 22.5cm wide And another similar, adapted as a stationery box, 33.5cm high, 22.5cm wide Condition Report: As per cataloguing- both adapted. Later mounts, no locks or keys. Shrinkage cracks, repairs and some damages around hinges. Repolished. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 54

AN UNUSUAL GILT METAL FRAMED DOUBLE SIDED MIRROR POSSIBLY AUSTRIAN OR FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Reverse painted panel to one side, the other with foxed mercury plate, both within hand cut paste banding, scroll surmount 21.5cm high inc suspension loops, 14.5cm wide Condition Report: reverse painted plate is slightly loose in frame as perished slightly with losses all around the margins. Mirror plate silvering has almost completely perished, chip to lower edge, wool backing escaping to sides. The frame dirty. Wear and rubbing to edges Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 81

A PAIR OF GILT METAL MOUNTED BRÈCHE VIOLETTE URNS FRENCH, EARLY 20TH CENTURY Of shaped ovoid form with entwined serpent handles and square bases 32.5cm high, bases 9cm wide Provenance; Jarvis Antiques, Newbury, December 1965 Condition Report: Natural variance to colour and veining as per material- one with remedial infill to natural faults- probably from manufacture/turning. Rubbing to gilding of both- some wear visible under mounts to stone from turning of bodies/sections. On currently slightly loose and will benefit from tightening- small edge wear and loss notably to plinth edges and corners. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 114

A SET OF FOUR OVOID GLAZED BUD VASES FRENCH, CIRCA 1900 the tallest 16cm high SALEROOM NOTICE: The top of the tallest blue vase has been damaged during the view Condition Report: SALEROOM NOTICE: The top of the tallest blue vase has been damaged during the view All with glaze loss to the feet, smallest yellow vase with loss to foot rim. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 2

A SELECTION OF CANES AND WALKING STICKS MOSTLY LATE 19TH CENTURY AND LATER Including a gilt metal mounted Malacca example with embossed pommel inscribed 'A C Cobham from numerous Daffodil Party friends 25th June 1897', 85cm long, an Ede and Ravenscroft umbrella with 9 carat gold band; with accompanying red leather, gilt embossed visitors book inscribed A.C.C. to the cover and signed within by friends of Mr Cobham's Daffodil Party. Together with two swords A George V Grenadier Guards officer's Levee sword, formally the property of Reginald Howard Reed Palmer, 82cm blade with single edge and single fuller on each side, etched overall with Regimental devices, GRV cypher, and owner initials 'RHR', stamped on the recasso 'E.Smith 139 Ebury St London', with engraved pierced hilt with flaming grenade motif, wire bound fish skin grip, contained in its leather covered scabbard, and an Imperial German army officer's dress sword and scabbard All held in an oval coopered oak barrel, 63cm high Condition Report: Daffodil stick in generally good condition, detailing crisp to handle, wear to ferrule. Gardener's walking stick with dry and perished leather top, scythe iron top rusted and damaged Remaining sticks mostly fairly modern, decorative and showing conventional signs of wears and use. Two bird head sticks, modern and unsigned. Book has damage to spine and wear and tear throughout. Minor foxing back paper. GV sword, generally good condition, some marking and wear to blade, scabbard with occasional bruise marks and scratches notably to ends German army officer's sword scratching and wear to blade which is unsigned, still folds but gilding heavily worn to all metalwork of handle, leather strap to drop has perished and snapped, scabbard very worn and later engraved Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 27

A POLISHED STEEL CLUB FENDER EARLY 20TH CENTURY Maroon leather upholstered on square supports external at base 178cm wide, 82.5cm deep, 43cm high internal at the base 160cm wide, 73cm deep  Condition Report: Wear from regular use- the steel surface with wear and abrasion from cleaning- creasing/wear to leather edges Has an internal foot plate which has cut out at fire/grate end measuring 118 by 21cm.Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 47

A GILT METAL MOUNTED MILK GLASS TABLE LAMP LATE 19TH CENTURY Possibly French, adapted from an oil lamp base 41.5cm high, 85cm high with current shade Condition Report: Adaption has failed at upper junction to top of vase and will require remedial work before domestic use. Gilding very dirty and would benefit strongly from a clean. The shade has perished completely. ELECTRICAL GOODS. These are sold as decorative items only and if bought for use must be checked over for compliance with safety regulations by a qualified electrician before use. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 98

A CUT GLASS SIX LIGHT CHANDELIER IN THE REGENCY MANNER 20TH CENTURY With baluster shaft surmounted by three tiers of graduated drops, scrolling branches with similar drops to the drip-pans and two tiers to the base about a faceted knop, fitted for electricity approximately 103cm high Condition Report: This will require a complete clean as it has surface dirt, dust, old cleaning deposits and ceiling deposits throughout. The arms supporting lights are hollow perspex, probably replacements for when the chandelier was wired for electricity. There are scattered small damages throughout notably to section of shaft, drops, around light mounts which are part illustrated in additional images. Some damages to faux candles. ELECTRICAL GOODS. These are sold as decorative items only and if bought for use must be checked over for compliance with safety regulations by a qualified electrician before use. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 225

A CHINESE EXPORT BLACK AND GILT LACQUER TEA CADDY MID-19TH CENTURY The top decorated with two figures beneath fern sprays and with script and enclosing an engraved pewter-lined interior 28.5cm wide, 15cm high, 19cm deep Together with a scarlet lacquered sewing tray, early 20th century, 32cm wide Please note, Dreweatts have applied for a de minimis exemption licence for the ivory in this lot (Ref: ZXPCYESP) Condition Report: Caddy- rubbing to top, damage to top front edge, losses around interior edges, later hinge pins Tray- shrinkage crack along entirety of base-some rubbing to surface Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 92

A GEORGE II/III GREEN JAPANNED EIGHT-DAY LONGCASE CLOCK THE MOVEMENT AND DIAL BY JOHN BURGES, GOSPORT, CIRCA 1730, THE CASE CIRCA 1760 WITH LATER DECORATION The five pillar rack and bell striking movement with anchor escapement regulated by seconds pendulum, the 12 inch brass break-arch dial with subsidiary seconds and calendar aperture to the matted centre within silvered Roman numeral chapter ring and female mask and scroll cast spandrels to angles, the arch with recessed shaped silvered plate signed John Burges, GOSPORT within foliate scroll engraved infill, now in a pagoda-top case later decorated in polychrome and gilt with chinoiserie designs onto a mid-green ground 230cm high, 52cm wide, 25.5cm deep Provenance: Barbara Gibbs and thence by descent John Burges is recorded in Loomes, Brian Watchmakers & Clockmakers of the World, Volume 2 as working in Gosport circa 1726 SALEROOM NOTICE: Please note the correct measurements have been updated Condition Report: Movement is in clean working condition and survives in its original form; the strike train hammer pin wheel and the escapewheel have however been re-pinioned (service repairs no doubt to address past wear). The dial has some patchy discolouration/oxidation to the silvering otherwise is in good clean condition although the hour hand is a replacement of incorrect length. Movement retains original seatboard which now rests on packing applied to the cheek uprights of the case confirming that the movement and dial are not original to the case. The case has been entirely re-painted but is structurally sound with the carcass being essentially original with some repair/rebuilding to the lower edge of the base only. The decoration is generally in very god condition although there is some retouching to the lower part of the trunk door which also exhibits a very slight warp.Clock is complete with two weights, pendulum, case key and a winder. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 324

A PAIR OF ARTIFICIAL STONE MODELS OF RECUMBENT LIONESSES AFTER COADE, LATE 19TH/EARLY 20TH CENTURY Each on a moulded rectangular plinth, unsigned each approximately 62cm high, base 122cm by 41cm Eleanor Coade had first utilised this design/model in the 1780s copying the Antique Egyptian basalt lionesses, now at the base of the Scalinata on the Campidoglio in Rome. A pair of Coade stone lions were ordered by Robert Adam for Culzean Castle, Scotland and a single example by Coade, commissioned by Thomas Hope for the Deepdene, was sold Christie's London, Philip Hewat-Jaboor: An Eye For The Magnificent, 8 Feb 2024, lot 186 (£30,240 inc. BP). LITERATURE: A. Kelly, Mrs. Coade's Stone, Reading, 1990, pp. 261-3 John Davis, Antique Garden Ornament, Antique Collector's Club, 1991, pp. 173-175. Plates 4.15, colour plate 46Saleroom Notice; please note the description has been revised and replaces the printed catalogue version. Condition Report: Saleroom Notice; please note the description has been revised and replaces the printed catalogue version. A PAIR OF ARTIFICIAL STONE MODELS OF RECUMBENT LIONESSES AFTER COADE, LATE 19TH/EARLY 20TH CENTURY Each on a moulded rectangular plinth, unsigned each approximately 62cm high, base 122cm by 41cm Formerly part-mortared into ground setting. The majority of mortar now removed but some small traces to edges and base. With weathering - colour variance from exposure- lichen build up and paler areas with less exposure such as under chins and in recesses. Some moss, edge wear with some nibbles, small chips notable to corners. - 1 with break to back corner on plinth base, and loss to front edge. Wear, marks, knocks and scratches as per age, handling, use, and cleaning. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 29

TWO HUNTLEY & PALMERS 'LITERATURE' BISCUIT TINS EARLY 20TH CENTURY Each in the form of a wrapped stack of books, printed "Huntley & Palmer Biscuits Reading & London" on the undersides 16cm high, 16cm wide, 10cm deep Condition Report: Both with surface dirt notably to tops. Wear and paint loss to margins. Strap to red tin with rusting and damage. Strap to other with replacement pin. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 13

A PAIR OF EARLY VICTORIAN BROWN PAINTED TERRACOTTA MODELS OF SEATED PUGS DATED 1846 Signed 'S.T. Wilson Eng(land)' and dated 1846 33cm high Provenance: Adrian Maynard, Jermyn Street, London 19th December 1985 Condition Report: Variances in the brown glaze and surface 'feel' suggests extensive and complete restoration to both. This is partially confirmed under UV. Restoration to one front left leg has failed. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 201

λ &nbspLOUISE POWELL (1882-1956) FOR WEDGWOOD: A CREAM-COLOURED POTTERY VASE OF ITALIAN ALBARELLO FORM FIRST HALF 20TH CENTURY Artist's monogram and number 4319, 31cm high Together with a dish by the same artist, artist's monogram and numbered 4969, 32.5cm diameter Condition Report: Dish cracked, pierced holes to foot rim probably for hanging/display purposes- 1 with crack. Some rubbing to gilding. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 38

A PAIR OF PRESENTATION FANFARE TRUMPETS BOOSEY & CO, EARLY 20TH CENTURY Each inscribed 'WILLIAM HOWARD PALMER THE HIGH SHERIFF FOR THE COUNTY OF BERKSHIRE 1903-1904' and 'REGINALD H.R. PALMER THE HIGH SHERIFF FOR THE COUNTY OF BERKSHIRE 1935-1936' Together with a framed banner bearing the Palmer coat of arms as well as three hunting horns The trumpets 42cm long The banner (without frame) 60cm high, 50cm wide Condition Report: Trumpets- tarnished surfaces- worn around the inscriptions to base metal, cords with fraying and losses Banner- creases, losses to surface, some perishing to material Horns- two are Swaine & Adeney- plated and copper, one is Kohler, silver mounted copper- all with wear from regular use Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 173

A LATE VICTORIAN BRASS CLUB FENDER LATE 19TH CENTURY Upholstered in maroon leather on square supports external 176.5cm wide, 43cm high, 62.5cm deep internal at the base 149cm wide, 46cm deep Condition Report: Wear from regular use- 5 spot fire burns to upholstered ends, brass with some splits to edges, corners and supports- several of which have twisted. The internal foot plate buckled and worn Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 232

A GEORGE I GROS AND PETIT POINT NEEDLEWORK DOMED COFFER ON LATER STAND CIRCA 1720, THE STAND 20TH CENTURY The whole decorated with peacocks, love birds among flowers, possibly emblematic of marriage love, interior with ribbon and nailed letter P, close nailed decoration and brass embossed lock plate in the form of a vase of flowers, iron carrying handles, the associated mahogany stand, with chamfered moulded legs joined by stretchers 95cm high overall, 61cm wide, coffer 41cm high, 33cm deep Provenance: Probably acquired July 1910 Condition Report: wear, marks, knocks and scratches as per age, handling, use, and cleaning. Embroidery worn from use and handling, notably to top, handles and some corners where carcase and underlying canvas are visible in areas. Reverse with later replacement embroidered panel. Top colour has faded and is dirtier than the rest of the piece. No key. Wear and loss to base veneer and traces of old worm, interior with later retaining strap, also a concealed pocket/recess to inner side. Base with losses, later blocks, some stress cracks to tops of base legs. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 78

Y &nbspEDITH JANE MAAS (1861-1925) DOUBLE PORTRAIT OF DORA AND ARMORER WILLIAMS IN AN INTERIOR Watercolour and bodycolour on ivory Signed with monogram EJM 16 x 12.5cm (6¼ x 4¾ in.) Set in a richly moulded ormolu frame, with motto to base "Si Je Puis", in a glazed rosewood easel frame 37.5 by 31cm Dorothea Louisa Wynn "Dora" Williams (otherwise known as Mrs Romer Williams) was a great aunt of Cherry Palmer. She is depicted with her daughter Armorer, circa 1892. Armorer went on to marry Charles Campbell, the 9th Earl of Breadalbane. SALEROOM NOTICE: The description has been updated and differs from the printed catalogue. The monogram is for the artist Edith Jane Maas (1861-1925). She had painted Queen Alexandra in 1893 and in 1898 Chalon Williams, president and a founder of the Society of Miniature Painters described her as being "among the best" of miniature portrait painters of her generation. She exhibited regularly at the Royal Academy of Arts, the Royal Miniature Society, the Walker Gallery (Liverpool), the London Salon, and the New Gallery (London). Please note, Dreweatts have applied for a de minimis exemption licence for the ivory in this lot (Ref:KXX81UR1) Condition Report: SALEROOM NOTICE: The description has been updated and differs from the printed catalogue. The image slightly faded with some loss of pink to the skin tones. Generally otherwise seems to be in good condition albeit in sealed frame, dust and residue under the glass, some wear to frame with scuffs to corners, loss around screws to reverse, scuffs and scrapes to reverse. Recessed brass hanging sections to reverse top of frame. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 318

A SMALL LEAD FIGURE OF A CHILD ON A SHELL 20TH CENTURY base approximately 43 by 38cm, height difficult to determine given current condition Condition Report: With heavy weathering - colour variance from exposure- heavy and extensive wear, marks, knocks and scratches as per age, handling, use, and cleaning. This has taken a large knock and the child is completely bent back, there are old damages and some scattered repairs throughout, formerly plumbed- now partially blocked with rust and blue tack. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 4

A PAIR OF GEORGE III STYLE GILTWOOD TWIN BRANCH WALL-LIGHTS EARLY 20TH CENTURY Each with a ribbon-tied rockwork backplate with spread eagle above twin scrolling branches, drilled for electricity 111cm high Provenance: Acquired from Quinneys Ltd, Chester, '27 April 1957' Condition Report: With wear, marks, knocks and scratches as per age, handling, use, and cleaning. Both with James Bourlet labels to reverse. Some losses including each with section of rockwork missing- one with retinted gilding at this point and signs of scattered retouching throughout. Some areas of surface with loss to gilding and pinkish underpaint visible notably to raised areas such as base tassels, eagle wings and beaks, drip pans etc. Some shrinkage cracks and faults, one at base of suspension ribbon top- which may benefit from attention prior to safe domestic use. One loop to top of chain with later crude replacement- both with wear from use to eagle mouths ELECTRICAL GOODS. These are sold as decorative items only and if bought for use must be checked over for compliance with safety regulations by a qualified electrician before use. Wiring has been cut. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 203

A PAIR OF ROYAL DOULTON POTTERY NURSERY RHYME BISCUIT BOXES FOR HUNTLEY AND PALMER CIRCA 1905 Of commode form, decorated after Walter Savage Cooper with "Old Mother Goose" and "Ride a Cockhorse..", the underside of the lid marked "Huntley & Palmer Biscuits Reading & London" and "Copyright Nursery Rhymes", base with printed factory mark and date registration for 1905/1906 18cm wide, 13.5cm high   Condition Report: Cockhorse- rubbed to margins and paint loss to edges Mother goose- quite heavy crazing to glazes throughout Both with some wear to feet- and typical crazing from manufacture Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 323

A PAIR OF COMPOSITION STONE PLANTERS 20TH CENTURY 48cm square, 44cm high Condition Report: With weathering - colour variance from exposure- wear, marks, knocks and scratches as per age, handling, use, and cleaning. Some wear and loss to feet and abrasions from gardening use. Internal measurements at the top is approximately 40 by 40cm at the top- and tapers in towards the base Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 107

A DUTCH BRONZE MORTAR AFTER HEINRICK TER HORST 20TH CENTURY Cast with a band of foliage with putti and vases, inscribed in raised lettering 'HEINRICK. TER. HORST. ME. FECIT. ANNO. 1607' 14cm high Saleroom Notice: The description has been amended and differs from the printed catalogue Condition Report: Saleroom Notice: The description has been amended and differs from the printed catalogue A DUTCH BRONZE MORTAR AFTER HEINRICK TER HORST 20TH CENTURY With wear, marks, knocks and scratches as per age, handling, use, and cleaning. Green verdigris internally and scattered spots externally. Paler patination to handles and base edges- base with contact wear, casting flaw to base edge Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 51

A PAIR OF DIXON, AUSTIN & Co. (SUNDERLAND) PEARLWARE FIGURES EMBLEMATIC OF 'SPRING' AND 'SUMMER' FROM A SERIES OF THE FOUR SEASONS CIRCA 1820 Impressed marks, 21cm & 22cm high; and another pearlware figure emblematic of Summer, 25cm highProvenance: Ships Wheel, Thurso, September 1980 SALEROOM NOTICE: Please note the catalogue description has been updated Condition Report: Summer and Spring both with spot restoration around nose and face. Other figure with some chips to lower corners. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 294

TWO WILLIAM MOORCROFT (1872-1945) FOR JAMES MACINTYRE & CO. 'FLORIAN WARE' BLUE POPPY VASES CIRCA 1900 Green signature and printed factory marks Both 14.5 cm high Condition Report: Both in generally good condition. Typical heavy crazing to glaze. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 174

A MATCHED PAIR OF PILL POTTERY (NEWPORT MONMOUTHSHIRE) TREACLE-GLAZED RED POTTERY MODELS OF RECUMBENT LIONS 1850 AND 1860 Modelled facing left and right, inscribed to base recto and dated 1850 & 1860 16cm high, 24cm longCf. A Medici lion in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, Dr. Glaiser bequest, C. 182B-1928 & Aberystwyth University Ceramics Collection, C. 615. Saleroom notice: Please note the description has been updated and differs from the printed catalogue Condition Report: Saleroom notice: Please note the description has been updated and differs from the printed catalogue A MATCHED PAIR OF PILL POTTERY (NEWPORT MONMOUTHSHIRE) TREACLE-GLAZED RED POTTERY MODELS OF RECUMBENT LIONS 1850 AND 1860 Colour tone variance between the two- one darker in hue. Bothe with edge chips and losses- notably around heads, paws and edges of plinths Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 26

FIREPLACE METALWARE AND FURNITURE TO INCLUDE: A pair of polished steel andirons with scrolled finials, 42cm high A set of three polished steel fire tools in the George III manner, shovel 75.5cm long A polished steel and mesh cheval spark guard, 103cm wide, 79cm high A steel log bucket, 32cm high A polished steel fender, pierced with Greek meander pattern and decorated with studs, 145cm wide Condition Report: All have been in regular use and showing signs of fireside placement, use, handling and cleaning A pair of polished steel andirons with scrolled finials, 42cm high PITTING A set of three polished steel fire tools in the George III manner, shovel 75.5cm long TONGS REPAIRS AROUND HINGE ROUNDEL POINT A polished steel and mesh cheval spark guard, 103cm wide, 79cm high DETACHED TO LOWER RIGHT HAND BRACKET A steel log bucket, 32cm high WORN_ SCRATCHES AND HEAVY WEAR A polished steel fender, pierced with Greek meander pattern and decorated with studs, EXTERNAL 145cm wide, 15cm high, 25cm deep INTERNAL 22.5cm deep, 140.5cm wide WORN AND MARKED_ SOOT STAINS Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 86

Y &nbspWILLIAM WOOD (BRITISH 1769 - 1810) A PAIR OF PORTRAIT MINIATURES OF CATHERINE COBHAM AND HER HUSBAND JOSEPH MARTYR She wearing white dress with a coral necklace, he in blue coat and white stock she in a later gilt metal frame, signed to reverse "**illegible** Will: Wood, Cork St. Lond.", he in contemporary glazed gilt metal case with a blue enamel and hairwork reverse, applied with entwined initials 'JM' She visible image 7.8cm, frame 9.3cm high, he visible image 7.5cm, frame including loop 9.3cm high Joseph Martyr married Catherine Cobham in 1798 and they were staying with Catherine's childless uncle Alexander Cobham at Shinfield in July 1809. Alexander fell from his horse on his way home from Reading and was rendered tetraplegic. He was rescued and taken home. That night, with his solicitors (Blandy & Blandy) peremptorily summoned, and only hours before his impending death, he changed his will to cut out other nephews and leave everything to Catherine's son (whom she had with foresight christened Alexander Cobham Martyr), on condition that the boy changed his surname to Cobham. This he did, together with his parents, and thus did Miss Cobham/Mrs Martyr become Mrs. Cobham, and Alexander Cobham Martyr become Alexander Cobham Cobham, great great grandfather of William Palmer Please note, Dreweatts have applied for a de minimis exemption licence for the ivory in this lot (Ref: FNANYYUS) Please note, Dreweatts have applied for a de minimis exemption licence for the ivory in this lot (Ref:9ZNXQFSS) Condition Report: He in what looks to be original frame- her frame later- both with some colour muting from daylight exposure and with dirt under glass. She with horizontal crack to upper area of ground- he seemingly good- reverse of his frame with cracks to blue glass and scattered losses and loose pearls Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 319

A LARGE RECONSTITUTED STONE BIRDBATH EARLY 20TH CENTURY With circular foliate decorated bowl 110cm high, top 80cm diameter Condition Report: With weathering - colour variance from exposure- wear, marks, knocks and scratches as per age, handling, use, and cleaning. On removal from garden- the underlying brick supports are mortared on and cannot be removed at this point- one corner brick missing and the whole slightly wobbly. the piece is too heavy to tilt to take a picture directly of the underside safely. The carriers couldn't remove the bricks which suggests they are fairly firmly attached- whether they will come off cleanly is impossible to advise. The base/and bricks have been at or below ground level for some time and exposed to frost and damp. This may have caused internal cracks which we cannot see. Top is mortared to base, some underlying cracks visible but seemingly watertight. Chips to base edges and corners. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 128

R. LALIQUE: VASE 'SAINT- MARC' DESIGNED BY RENE LALIQUE 1939 Clear, frosted and blue stained glass, stencilled 'R. LALIQUE FRANCE' 17cm high Provenance: With David J. Pym Antiques. F. Marcilhac, 'René Lalique, catalog raisonné', another example illustrated p. 471, under the number 10-934 Condition Report: Very minor contact wear to foot, otherwise good. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 5

A SHEFFIELD PLATE MOUNTED TÔLE PEINTE TWIN HANDLED OVAL TRAY MID 19TH CENTURY Decorated with peasants cavorting and merrymaking outside an inn, signed Vogel Pinx 67.5cm wide Condition Report: The main surface with old damages and some losses, retouched and revarnished. More modern scuffs and scrapes. The Frame with patch repairs and rubbed with plating loss throughout. Bases with losses throughout and section of 1962 Times newspaper attached to it Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 322

A LUTYENS STYLE HARDWOOD BENCH MODERN 165.5cm wide, 103cm high, 61cm deep Together with a modern hardwood bench, 162cm wide (2) SALEROOM NOTICE: Please note there are 2 benches in this lot not 3 as originally stated. Condition Report: SALEROOM NOTICE: Please note there are 2 benches in this lot not 3 as originally stated.Both are weathered and pale/bleached. colour variance from exposure- wear, marks, knocks and scratches as per age, handling, use, and cleaning. Lutyens style with typical shrinkage to arms and arm terminals and back mounts- loss to left arm's rollover top and at back mount, cracks to seat rails Lutyens style bench with plaque for floralgardendesign Other bench with plaque for Hartman Prestige Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 189

JOSEPH GOTT (BRITISH, 1786-1860) A TERRACOTTA GROUP OF A DOG WITH HER THREE YOUNG PUPPIES 1830 Oval base signed and dated J. GOTT 1830, set on further polished marble plinth base 6.8cm high overall, base 11.5cm wide Provenance: Mallett London Condition Report: With wear, marks, knocks and scratches as per age, handling, use, and cleaning. The whole dusty and with surface dirt to crevices. Inconsistency of colour tone and some visible small nicks to edge suggests that this may have had restorations to main body and raised anatomy details- now invisible under UV, with later applied brown wash. Right ear to bitch missing, left ear rubbed, rear of one pup much paler, glued to marble base Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 321

A LARGE PAIR OF MARBLE PEDESTAL TAZZA 19TH CENTURY Circular bodies on fluted spreading socles and square bases approximately 58cm high, tops 78cm diameter Condition Report: With weathering - colour variance from exposure- wear, marks, knocks and scratches as per age, handling, use, and cleaning. Both with chips and losses to top rim edges, sides of bowls with leaf carving, these actually stand on square plinth bases, which have some damages and loss and one corner broken. They separate into two parts- bowl and base- one with some loss around drainage point to centre of bowl Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 55

AN ENAMEL SNUFF BOX GERMAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY 5cm high, 12cm wide, 12cm deep Condition Report: Provenance: Dreweatts, Cornwallis Auction, 2010 The whole with cracks and old damages. Some signs of later glue around lid mounts. Small areas of spot restoration around edges and lid mount points Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 1

A DUTCH BRASS TWELVE LIGHT CHANDELIER DATED 1770 With two tiers of six scrolling branches, globular base to stem with contemporary presentation inscription "Gegeven dor Jan. H. Eskes 1770" ('The gift of Jan H Eskes 1770'), now drilled for electricity approximately 72cm high, 62cm wide  Provenance: Acquired from Stanley Pratt, London, February 1960 Condition Report: wear, marks, knocks and scratches as per age, handling, use, and cleaning. As per cataloguing, later drilled and wired. The whole possibly formerly lacquered- now rubbed and with dirt/ polish marks and surface wear. No vacant peg holes- and pins look to all be original, branch mounting points are numbered to both tiers. ELECTRICAL GOODS. These are sold as decorative items only and if bought for use must be checked over for compliance with safety regulations by a qualified electrician before use. Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 211

TWO VICTORIAN VASELINE VASES CIRCA 1880 the largest 33.5cm high the smallest 16cm high Condition Report: Taller with internal wear from use- iridescence and clouding- some adhered surface dirt and black thin streaksBoth with some wear to bases from contact and use Please see additional images for visual references to condition which form part of this condition report. All lots are available for inspection and Condition Reports are available on request. However, all lots are of an age and type which means that they may not be in perfect condition and should be viewed by prospective bidders; please refer to Condition 6 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers. This is particularly true for garden related items. All lots are offered for sale "as viewed" and subject to the applicable Conditions of Business for Buyer's condition, which are set out in the sale catalogue and are available on request. Potential buyers should note that condition reports are matters of opinion only, they are non-exhaustive and based solely on what can be seen to the naked eye unless otherwise specified by the cataloguer. We must advise you that we are not professional restorers or conservators and we do not provide any guarantee or warranty as to a lot's condition. Accordingly, it is recommended that prospective buyers inspect lots or have their advisors do so and satisfy themselves as to condition and accuracy of description. If you have physically viewed an item for which you request a report, the condition report cannot be a reason for cancelling a sale. Buyers are reminded that liability for loss and damage transfers to the buyer from the fall of the hammer. Whilst the majority of lots will remain in their location until collected, we can accept no responsibility for any damage which may occur, even in the event of Dreweatts staff assisting carriers during collection.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 169

HORROR OF DRACULA (1958) - US Title Lobby Card, 1958Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. US title Lobby Card for Terence Fisher's Horror of Dracula (1958), the first film in the series of gothic Hammer Horror films starring Christopher Lee as Count Dracula, whose dark and brooding portrayal made the character an iconic figure. The Lobby Card features eerie negative imagery style artwork of Dracula by Joseph Smith, the same design that adorned many of the film's promotional posters.14" x 11" (36 x 28 cm)Condition: Fine-Some surface paper loss and tape around the borders.Artist: Joseph Smith£350 - 700VAT Status: M

Lot 171

THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES (1959) - UK Quad, circa 1960sBidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. One of the rarest and most desirable UK Quads from the genre. Hammer Productions' "The Hound of the Baskervilles" (1959). A British gothic horror mystery film set on the Cornish moors directed by Terence Fisher and based on the Sherlock Holmes novel of the same title by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It stars Hammer regulars Peter Cushing as Sherlock Holmes and Sir Christopher Lee as Sir Henry Baskerville. This superb country of origin UK Quad is from the first re-release in the early 1960s and is almost identical to the 1959 poster, just lacking the Printer's details. It features some fantastic horror artwork of the titular hound's snarling head and blood-soaked fangs. With a dark background and imagery that's largely grey-toned, the bright red title design is particularly emphasised. Presented in original, unrestored condition this displays and presents to excellent effect.40" x 30" (102 x 76 cm)Condition: Very Fine+Folded with virtually no fold line wear, some surface wear in places which are only really visible from certain angles, some very tiny nicks and tears around the border.Artist: Unknown Artist£300 - 600VAT Status: M

Lot 271

ONE MILLION YEARS B.C./SHE (1966/1965) - Double Bill UK Quad, 1966Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. "Hammer Glamour! Hammer Spectacular!". This UK Quad is one of the most famous and desirable double-bill posters ever created. The stunning artwork by Tom Chantrell features Ursula Andress and Raquel Welch in the front and centre in the outfits that made them the sex symbols of the 1960s. The example on offer here has retained great bold colours that display to brilliant effect.40" x 30" (102 x 76 cm)Condition: Fine+Rolled with some tiny nicks and tears around the border as well as a very small area of paper loss in the top right corner. The artwork remains unaffected and displays brilliantly.Artist: Tom Chantrell£100 - 200VAT Status: M

Lot 405

WHERE EAGLES DARE (1968) - US One-Sheet, Style B - Linen-Backed, 1968Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. "The Major is British... the Lieutenant is American. They're out to win World War II this weekend... or die trying". US One-Sheet for Brian G. Hutton's action-packed World War II thriller Where Eagles Dare looks superb. By far the scarcest of the original One-Sheets used in the film's campaign, this Style B rarely becomes available on the market. It features Eastwood and Burton in the German bar before their assault on the Schloss Adler. The girl who has attracted Burton's eye is Ingrid Pitt, most remembered for her vampiric roles in Hammer horror films. This One-Sheet comes presented conservation linen-backed. 27" x 41" (69 x 104 cm)Additional Information: NSS #66/320Condition: Very FineConservation linen-backed with fold line restoration.Artist: Unknown Artist£300 - 600VAT Status: M

Lot 170

HORROR OF DRACULA (1958) - US Lobby Card #7, 1958Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. A US title Lobby Card for the first film in the series of gothic Hammer Horror films Terence Fisher's Horror of Dracula (1958). This card is marked "#7" and shows a shot of Dracula (Christopher Lee) meeting his demise as Van Helsing (Peter Cushing) uses two candlesticks to form a cross. 14" x 11" (36 x 28 cm)Condition: Near Mint-Artist: Unknown Artist£300 - 600VAT Status: M

Lot 278

PINK FLOYD: THE WALL (1982) - Original The Marching Hammer Animation Cel and Pencil Drawing, 1982Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. An animation cel and its original pencil drawing for Alan Parker's musical drama Pink Floyd: The Wall. Noted British illustrator and cartoonist Gerald Scarfe produced groundbreaking animation for the movie, with this cel and drawing showing The Marching Hammer turning into a megaphone. The animation imagery is rendered in gouache on a celluloid sheet. It is held in a light grey card mount alongside a simple pencil illustration of the same image (annotated "Paint Line" and labelled "M1X"). The animation cel bears a Pink Floyd: The Wall seal in the lower right corner.(Mounted): 31.5" x 15.5" (80 x 39 cm)Additional Information: Sold without copyright; see notice in the Buyer's Guide.Condition: Near Mint-Artist: Unknown Artist£800 - 1600VAT Status: M

Lot 86

CURSE OF THE DEMON (1957) - US Three Sheet, Linen-Backed, 1957Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. The British horror film Night of the Demon (1957) is now cited as one of the most influential horror movies ever, arguably alongside Hammer Horror Productions and Universal Monsters. The film perfectly captures the feeling of the unknown and impending fear. This US Three-Sheet features the US alternate movie title "Curse of the Demon", and interestingly, the movie was shortened by 14 minutes when it was released in the US in June 1958 to make it more commercial. The combination of the imagery of the fiery demonic creature and the tagline of "Demons" Monsters From Hell! You Will Actually SEE Them on the Screen!" was sure to capture everybody's attention. It really is one "hell" of a poster. 41" x 78.5" (104 x 199 cm)Additional Information: NSS #57/477Condition: Very Fine+Conservation linen-backed with light fold line restoration done to a high standard.Artist: Unknown Artist£600 - 1200VAT Status: M

Lot 1001

Siege of Leyden, 5 Stuiver, 1574, without countermark, produced using prayer book pages pressed into coin dies, extremely good definition and overall in very nice repair, very rare and 450 years old almost to the day! Pick S101a £1,000-£1,500 --- Importation Duty This lot is subject to importation duty of 5% on the hammer price unless exported outside the UK ---

Lot 1117

Siege of Mafeking, 1 Shilling, February 1900, serial number B7200, Civil with both dots present, stain at low right, staple holes in left margin as issued, very fine Pick S651b, Ineson 140 £100-£150 --- Importation Duty This lot is subject to importation duty of 5% on the hammer price unless exported outside the UK ---

Lot 1110

Siege of Khartoum, 2500 Piastres, 25 April 1884, serial number 700, hectograph signature of General Gordon, hand stamp on obverse, ink signature and some damage on reverse, overall extremely fine Pick S109 £100-£150 --- Importation Duty This lot is subject to importation duty of 5% on the hammer price unless exported outside the UK ---

Lot 1114

Siege of Khartoum, 5000 Piastres, 25 April 1884, serial number 491, hectograph signature of General Gordon, hand stamp on obverse, spindle hole, graffiti on reverse, about uncirculated Pick S110 £120-£160 --- Importation Duty This lot is subject to importation duty of 5% on the hammer price unless exported outside the UK ---

Lot 1018

Siege of Mayence, 5 Sous, second issue, May 1793, serial number 33487, three printed signatures and series letter A, toned but but few folds, about very fine and scarce Pick S1478a £80-£100 --- Importation Duty This lot is subject to importation duty of 5% on the hammer price unless exported outside the UK ---

Lot 1029

Siege of Mayence, 3 Livres, second issue, May 1793, serial number 59958, three printed signatures and series letter B, a clean and fresh about extremely fine, scarce, particularly in this lovely grade Pick S1481a £120-£160 --- Importation Duty This lot is subject to importation duty of 5% on the hammer price unless exported outside the UK ---

Lot 1131

Siege of Mafeking, 10 Shillings, March 1900, serial number 3359, ‘Commanding’ spelled correctly, along with a letter from the manager of the Standard Bank confirming the note is genuine, very fine Pick S654b, Ineson 143 £80-£100 --- Importation Duty This lot is subject to importation duty of 5% on the hammer price unless exported outside the UK ---

Lot 1123

Siege of Mafeking, 3 Shillings, January 1900, serial number A3726, no dot over first i in Civil, several pinholes, good very fine and an attractive and fresh example Pick S653, Ineson 142 £300-£400 --- Importation Duty This lot is subject to importation duty of 5% on the hammer price unless exported outside the UK ---

Lot 1095

Siege of Khartoum, 20 Piastres, 25 April 1884, serial number 12152, hectograph signature of General Gordon, double handstamp on reverse, a superb original and uncirculated example Pick S104b £240-£300 --- Importation Duty This lot is subject to importation duty of 5% on the hammer price unless exported outside the UK ---

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